Our First Lady

So our first baby (above), Coromell, was a 373 Beneteau and we adored her. We kept her company for almost three years, exploring Galvaston Bay area. Would love to have gone further afield, but sadly work commitments and real life on land kept us pretty close to home. But Coromell taught us plenty. We've sailed before but she was our first - the first to carry our name on the title!
So what are we lookoing for now? We love Beneteau, Jeanneau and the Hanse. Therefore, we are aiming for another along these lines.....just bigger and we'll kit her out as we need.
We have been busy searching brokers and the online portals and have been able to inspect around four yachts so far. Two Jeanneau and two Beneteau. Narrowing it down but its fair to say that the fluctuating value of the Australian dollar again the British pound makes for a challenging economic situation and budget proposition.
Introducing Inelsamo

Buying a boat is not something you want to leap into without preparation. It’s a big investment, particularly if your intention is to live aboard and at some point, circumnavigate. We’ve spent 30 years enjoying marinas and window shopping in the yacht sale windows. We have also had the opportunity to sail on different boats of different sizes. We then purchased and owned our own Beneteau 373 for 3 years while in Texas. So, while far from being experienced or expert, we do have some knowledge of what we wanted and needed, or thought we did. It would be fair to say that we didn’t buy the boat that we thought we would. We both have had a long love affair with Beneteaus and thought we would put to sea on a Bene 43 or 46. So our search over the last couple of years, has always drawn us to the advertisements for Beneteaus and more recently, Jeanneaus. We even had the absolute pleasure in December 2017 to have a tour of the Beneteau factory in Cholet, France. Its only in the last four months that we have gotten serious about really purchasing and so we spent several weeks driving throughout the south of France looking at various boats. So it was ironic that we ended up looking locally in the UK, not far from where we currently live, and fell in love with a Dufour 525! She was not only within the ‘boat budget’ we set ourselves, but she had everything we were looking for in terms of strength, stability and safety, and very importantly, a true warmth that said “pick me, you are home”.
Therefore, let us introduce you to Inelsamo. We’ve named her in honour of four fabulous young women who always make us smile, hug like there is no tomorrow, and we love to infinity beyond – Indiah, Ella, Samara, and Montana. Her side kick, our funky little Zodiac, BeeDeeJay, is a shout out to three great guys of whom we are also truly proud – Brady, Dalton and Jet.