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Snow sailing

The further into the planning of this next adventure in our lives we get, the more courageous I begin to feel. Some months ago, after reading about a young Australian couple who are going to sail to the Arctic, we both thought "wow, that would be an amazing experience". Now, after a couple of weekends on Inelsamo during snow, not so much. While it was lovely and cozy below decks, given we had shore power and therefore could fire up the heating, I don't fancy being without such warmth on a boat in something more sinister than the snow we have just had! And that was only about -4c.

Yes, it was pretty and I do love the snow as you will know, but I have decided, I love being warm more. A wimp I know, but at this point, that is the beginning, I'm thinking of starting slow and just sticking to warm climates and sandy beaches! Then perhaps once I'm over that, if that's possible, I will venture to the poles!

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