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First tracks

We left Finike in the southeast of Turkiye in late February and since then, as Craig calls it – we’ve been in the wild. While everything can be a compromise, we feel fortunate to have been able to explore the turquoise coast at this time of the year as we have often had anchorages entirely to ourselves, something which is near on impossible during the peak of the summer sailing period. Sure, it’s been cool and the water temps less than ‘Janine worthy’ and often many of the businesses are closed, but we have always managed to find a little grocery store and a restaurant or two open to meet any needs. It has also meant that the locals in each place have had the time to just chat without the pressures of multitudes of customers to tend to. That has been great as it has enabled us and them, to relax and chat and learn from each other and share life. It is a vastly different experience to previous years when one or both of us have been working and we were trying to fit sailing in amongst flights back and forth! Now the weather is warming up and the summer season officially started, we are seeing an increase in people on the beaches and boats in the water. For the first time, we have had to share our anchorage! Since last I sat and pondered, we have sailed over 200 nautical miles zigging and zagging the coast, in and out of bays, and back and forth across various gulfs. We’ve visited lovely little villages, big cities, ancient ruins, sunken temples and castles, and everything in between. We’ve broken stuff, fixed stuff, lost stuff into the bowels of the boat somewhere only to rediscover that item in an impossible-to-get-to place which has meant the Mother of Invention has had to come visit. It has also meant all lot of swearing and cursing. But all up life on a boat continues to make our hearts sing, our knees and elbows to bruise, and little toes to be in a constant state of injury. Rather than tell a long story, I’m going to let the photos on our Facebook page tell for it! Please feel free to join us there....



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