The "In" of Inelsamo

Our beautiful Indiah is the "In" of Inelsamo! Love this young woman to pieces. Quite simply, she is awesome. Indi is a quiet presence and an old soul in so many ways. Like many of the women in my family, Indi is deep thinking and absorbs everything around her in a contemplative and sensitive way. The eyes say it all really and I think she could silence a fool with one look when necessary!
And when she smiles....she can melt your heart. She is going to be a tough nut to crack for those keen to pursue her and the one that catches her heart will have to be a truly outstanding human being! Indi has high standards and so she should. This girl is going to change the world.
Our Indi is a classically outdoorsy Australian girl. She's an outstanding and emerging athlete competing in aquatic events, Australian Rules Football and more recently netball. But not resting on those skills, she is also a school leader who continues to receive acknowledgement and award for her contribution and the mentoring she offers to those around her. Academically minded, Indi also has artistic and musical talent by the bucket loads so the world truly is this kid's oyster.
Apart from being passionate about her family and friends, she has a wicked sense of fun and has a go at just about anything. Although, having said that, she tells me it is going to take some convincing to get her onto Inelsamo. We are working on that and I have no doubt I will figure something to lure her in....
My quick Q&A session with Indi revealed....
J: If you could fast forward to 5 years from now, where would you like to be and what would you like to be doing?
I: I’d like to still be friends with all of my current friends, since they mean the world to me.
J: What super power or magical power do you dream of having?
I: The ability to make others happy!
J: What’s your all-time favourite song?
I: “Insane Sometimes” by Grace Vanderwaal.
J: What food could you eat every day and never get tired of?
I: Grape flavoured liquorice. (Interesting....I didn't know such a thing existed!)
J: If you could go anywhere in the world right now today, where would you go and why?
I: I would go to England with my best friend Sienna, to see “One Direction” members, because that would make her the happiest person. Even though they have now disbanded, she would still love to meet them, especially Harry Styles.

J: What is guaranteed to make you laugh every time?
I: My friends.
J: What is something weird about yourself I wouldn’t know?
I: That I am friends with all the crazy weirdos at school. They think I am weird and crazy too.
J: What do you like the most about yourself?
I: I love that I have the privilege of being friends with so many people, boys and girls.

J: What happened today that made you smile?
I: I was thinking about a “someone special….” ( I am intrigued!)
J: What would you like to change in the world if you could?
I: I would change the way a lot of people are treated in their homes and in the world, outside of their own homes. The world needs more kindness.
J: What is your absolute favourite thing to do anytime?
I: To hang out with my family and friends, and my friends’ families. It’s fun.