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The "el" of Inelsamo

Ella, our fireball is the "el" of Inelsamo. Full of sass and cheek, Ella is one determined young woman. Not much stops El when she is focused on something, so look out world.

I love this crazy kid. She is intelligent, audacious and fearless, strong minded and incredibly capable.

Craig and I have great memories of chasing this gal down mountain pistes and sledging on frozen lakes. She is a master pasta maker and she is a true adventurer. And we hope, we can share many more adventures with her throughout her life.

But despite that passion for the outdoors, El is also an incredibly talented dancer, pirouetting with the best of them and she can pull out the divine grace and elegance of a prima ballerina assoluta when necessary.

El is scary smart and that fabulous smile is just the beginning of the depth you will find here. She is witty, wicked and wise!

My Q&A with Ella, tells us a lot about the crazy mind of this kid!

J: If you could fast forward to 5 years from now, where would you like to be and what would you like to be doing?

E: I would be travelling the world doing whatever makes me happy.

J: What super power or magical power do you dream of having?

E: I would be able to fly! (I'm with you there E).

J: What’s your all-time favourite song?

E: "Telephone" – Lady Gaga featuring Beyonce.

J: What food could you eat every day and never get tired of?

E: Potato bake! (Good to know).

J: If you could go anywhere in the world right now today, where would you go and why?

E: I would go anywhere with a beach because it’s super relaxing and so pretty!

J: What is guaranteed to make you laugh every time?

E: My best friends.

J: What is something weird about yourself I wouldn’t know?

E: My favourite subject in school is wood work. (Now, I did not know interesting. Who'd of thunk it?)

J: What do you like most about yourself?

E: My determination to achieve all my goals.

J: What happened today that made you smile?

E: My cat snuggling with me while I watched a movie.

J: What would you like to change in the world if you could?

E: I would make travelling free, so that everyone can go anywhere!

J: What is your absolute favourite thing to do anytime?

E: Dance!!!

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