Introducing the B of BeeDeeJay

So you have met our young women for whom Inelsamo was named. Now to her sidekick, BeeDeeJay, our trusty runabout is a bit wild and woolly
and ends up inevitably drenching me, consequently naming him after our boys seemed appropriate.
So let me tell you about Mister "Bee" - Brady. Now he's a tough cookie to describe. There's a whole lot of stuff going on behind those gorgeous brown eyes. We just love this guy. He always makes me smile and frequently surprises me.

We have much cherished memories of time spent with Brady and of particular note to us are those times we have shooshed down mountains of white powder with him. Its been a real treat watching his skiing skills evolve over the years and I suspect he would now leave me behind on the black slopes! However, I think these days he is more about wheels than planks but hopefully I have some more skiing trips with him yet. Although, no doubt, between him and Craig, the adrenaline would have me near heart attack level.

Like all my kids, Brady is intelligent and a high, but quiet, achiever in pretty much anything he puts his mind to. Determined, attentive and wise! I always walk away from time spent with him feeling richer. He does have a wickedly dry sense of humour which is thoroughly entertaining but what I love most of all is that this guy is a softy with an enormous heart. He is already a cracking young man so I am looking forward to what the future brings and what else he might pull from the hat!
The Q&A with Brady brings a smile!
J: If you could fast forward to 5 years from now, where would you like to be and what would you like to be doing?
B: To be in the Royal Australian Air Force seeing the world.
J: What super power or magical power do you dream of having?
B: To be able to teleport. (Why then be in the RAAF??? Wouldn't that be superfluous?)
J: What’s your all-time favourite song?
B: AC/DC - Thunderstruck
J: What food could you eat every day and never get tired of?
B: Ice cream.
J: If you could go anywhere in the world right now today, where would you go and why?
B: Anywhere I could do something that gets the heart racing and the blood pumping!
J: What is guaranteed to make you laugh every time?
B: Epic fails.
J: What is something weird about yourself I wouldn’t know?
B: I can wiggle my ears. (Hmmm. I shall investigate the evidence!)
J: What do you like most about yourself?
B: My love for sport.
J: What happened today that made you smile?
B: I went mountain biking.
J: What would you like to change in the world if you could?
B: No homework!!
J: What is your absolute favourite thing to do anytime?
B: Spending time with my friends doing something fun.