Introducing the J of BeeDeeJay

Jet is the "J" of BeeDeeJay. He was a gift to us all the day he came into our lives. This young man brings smiles wherever he goes. A truly gentle spirit and another wise old soul.
Gifted in so many ways from art and design to sports. He has a go at just about anything....he even manages to hold his own when playing some of the wild wheelchair sports his Dad plays!
Jet is a real treat and our only regret is that we just simply don't get enough opportunities to be part of his world.

But nonetheless, we love those precious moments he shares with us and we are incredibly proud of him and can't wait to see how the future unfolds and what he chooses to do with all his talents!!
I didn't get a Q&A with Jet so must apologise for that. Instead....I'll embarrass him with old photos!!