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Formalities for Non-EU

So one of the big issues we had and one which we found very little guidance on, was how to 'check out' of Spain and more importantly, the Schengen Visa area. As most would know, Australians are bound by the 90 days in 180 rule of the Schengen Treaty. Gibraltar, being part of the United Kingdom is not part of the Schengen area, whereas Spain is. So that meant we had to officially check out Spain and get that all important exit stamp in our passports before we could actually move the boat over and into Gibraltar.

I tried every forum I could, as well as Noonsite which is a great resource for sailors, but had no luck. I eventually came across another Australian woman who was a crew member on a yacht and who was able to give me some guidance.

So, for anyone wondering and needing to do the same formalities, here is the go.....

1. You need to book into the Alcadeisa La Linea Marina for at least 1 night.

2. The next morning, settle you account and get a copy of the receipt and check out invoice from the Marina.

3. Then head on over to the border of Spain and Gibraltar with your passports, crew list, Marina receipt, and for good measure, your boat documents.

4. The Spanish Frontier Police (or Border Control) are in a building to the right of the actual border crossing. You head on in there armed with your documents and an English translation explaining you are not an EU resident, that you are on your own boat in the La Linea marina and that you will need an exit stamp in your passport before you can leave on your own boat. It does take a while, but you will get there.

5. Smile and be respectful, polite and patient!!!

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