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A brave new world....

Had you told me a month or two ago that we would be living in a world where over one million people were infected with a serious and potentially fatal virus; where over 50,000 people had already lost their lives; where almost every country and territory on earth was affected and consequently in lockdown; where international travel of almost any kind is suspended, along with numerous other industries; where small business, the backbone of our economy, had closed down; where millions are now unemployed; and that the world is now in an economic crisis....I would never have believed it. In fact, back in January we were 'on top of the world' and then I was packing my bag in readiness to return to Inelsamo and begin our 2020 Greek Sailing Odyssey. I had already farewelled Craig who flew ahead of me.

And then everything changed in a heartbeat.

Evolving rapidly, watching the news is like watching a horror movie with one heartbreaking story after another. And then one night, I read that the Tunisian Government were going to close its borders and suspend all incoming and outgoing flights effective from 17 March for an indefinite period. Well, that freaked me out as that meant that Craig and I would be separated, worlds apart, for months and that he would be there without any healthcare support or protection. I was also scared because, thanks to my most recent immune system disease treatment, I am at a 'high risk' apparently. So I had an anxiety attack where I freaked out thinking of all the dreadful possibilities and that I might never see him again. Dramatic perhaps but this is such a crazy time. Consequently, several text messages and FaceTime chats in the middle of the night later, I was able to get Craig a ticket on the last flight out of Tunisia leaving that very day. It meant he had to frantically pack a bag, lock down the boat (which is actually a big job)and then negotiate a ride two hours north to Tunis, through road blocks and police checks. Once at the airport, he described a scene out of a movie where everyone is trying to get out of the country. Chaos. Anyway, multiple adhoc flights later, he was safely back on Australian soil and into compulsory isolation for 14 days. I didn't care....I was just enormously grateful he was back in Oz. So instead of spending our 32 wedding anniversary in a Tunisian beachside bungalow, Craig was in isolation and I shared a wine and meal with my sister and her husband.

Now we face an uncertain future. When we might get back to Tunisia and our beautiful floating home, I don't know. Where we will live in the interim, I don't know. What we will do with our time now, I don't know. But what I do know is that we are together, we are both safe, and we will be okay come what may. My family is also safe and in isolation in various spots around the country. And we have the tools at our finger tips that enable me to still see their faces and hear their voices and share a laugh. We are in a far better position than so many millions of others around the world, including many dear friends who live in countries that have been impacted badly and are experiencing so much sadness and loss.

So we are all in this together no matter where we may be and if we can find a silver lining, perhaps this is an opportunity to come together, reconnect and re-imagine our world.



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