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Farewell Gypsy....Hello Inelsamo

After knocking around the Outback like a pair of gypsies in our beautiful Marvel Thunderstorm, at the end of July we said happy-sad goodbye and delivered Gypsy to new folk, Graham and Maria, who will hopefully get as much enjoyment out of this wonderful home on wheels as we did. We made this decision after much thought and deliberation. Covid19 has presented the world with many challenges, grief and heartache. While Australia is certainly a safe haven and a place of happiness for us, like so many our dream was nonetheless disrupted. What was going to be our first year of retirement sailing the Mediterranean, instead started out with broken hearts and homelessness. But buying Gypsy gave us a purpose and a plan. Setting out in October 2020, we explored widely and found a sense of place that was much needed. For what Gypsy gave us, we are grateful and say, thank you.

But as the world continues to turn and different strategies for coping with Covid are implemented, we made the decision to accept the offer of vaccinations in order to protect ourselves, our loved ones and strangers we pass by. We also believe that life

must move forward, despite this uncertain world. So with full vaccinations done, and a Covid safe plan in the back pocket, we are heading back to Inelsamo in September. We know there are risks and there is political instability in many places ahead of us, but Inelsamo is our home and to her we must return.

We anticipate that for the next several months, we will be working on doing maintenance and various upgrades. So we will call Sicily home for a little while until that is done and the European winter passes over. Then we will raise sails and go where the wind takes us.......



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