There are a myriad of reasons why I love packing a bag and wandering this blue rock.
I could tell you it's the amazing landscapes and environments I am fortunate to be in and absorbed by. I could say it's the incredible architecture, ancient and modern, that takes my breath away leaving me in awe of the designer, the builder and the artisans who poured their blood, sweat and tears into these structures. Without a doubt, the food culture of the countries and places I visit inspire me. But the truth of it... it is the incredible people I meet as I meander my way along. Every walk of life, from cultures all over, with diverse histories, religions and political views. And I am entirely grateful for what each of them bring to my world.

Whether I am travelling alone or with Craig, our lives have been truly enriched by the folk we meet and often in totally random situations. I have come to the conclusion that it's worth putting down that smartphone, tablet and even the book, and feeling awkward from time to time in striking up a conversation with a stranger on a train, or in the park or while enjoying a sunset cocktail!
I have spoken with friends who have seemed anxious and concerned for me but in truth I have had so many more good experiences than bad and only once or twice have I had to extract myself from an uncomfortable encounter or conversation. Travelling alone, while full of freedom to do as you want, can be lonely and so those random connections with strangers are so worth the time and effort. And really, that little bit of awkwardness and embarrassment is nothing when compared to the renewed energy and buzz these encounters bring.
I'd like to acknowledge just a couple of recent wonderful folk:
Simon Newbound, who not only has a fabulous big old cuddly dog, but he gave me so much advice about photography, blogging and social media. I promise I will follow up on that advice!! Simon also had a great story to tell and he really inspired me by what he and his partner, Monika, have achieved. https://www.simonnewbound.com
Alicia and Dennis, Chasing Summer DNA, who took a huge leap of faith to pursue their dream. What a fabulous Croatian encounter with these two. https://www.facebook.com/chasingsummerdna/
Dino, Split Road Trip. I had a brief encounter with this young man while on the way to the Split Airport. What a thoroughly good guy and a pleasure to chat to. Full of excitement about life and the possibilities. You definitely must visit Australia and I'm ready to offer travel trips Down Under if you need! http://splitroadtrip.com/transfers-page/
Bernadette and Kevin Prescott, Celtic Maid, our wonderful jetty neighbours in Gibraltar. You kept me sane while Craig was away and the stories and philosophy of life chats were wonderful. You make the best coffee!
Emma Thompson (Tabone), Mallorca, an old friend from my youth! So grateful we managed to reconnect in beautiful Palma. As I grow older, I am finding that reconnecting with folk from my previous life is so important and grounding. I loved those shared histories....a wonderful tapestry! Emma does beautiful interior design on land and sea. Her yacht interiors are fabulous!!
Walter and Tatiana!! What a wonderful and interesting couple. Albeit Craig has known both for sometime, I am very grateful for you randomly running into us in Portugal. I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you and hope that we can continue to catch up around the world.
Judy and her husband, who we met over a bottle of red wine in Porto, Portugal. Another pair of wandering nomads. Hope to see you again somewhere in the great outdoors!!
There are so many more people who bring colour to my world and I hope that I can continue to introduce you to them.
If you enjoy my perspective on the world, please take a look at my photography site!