The "In" of Inelsamo
Our beautiful Indiah is the "In" of Inelsamo! Love this young woman to pieces. Quite simply, she is awesome. Indi is a quiet presence...

Tastebuds to Tummy
When I think about culture and what makes individual groups of people unique, I think, amongst other axioms, food. Food culture is like...

Paddock to Poopdeck
My childhood is truly precious to me. It was spent filled with laughter and much love on a farm in the small agricultural community of...

Small steps
Before welcoming Inelsamo into our family, I would never have imagined sailing Atlantic France or Spain, but as circumstance would have...

So I’ve very quickly discovered that when some marinas advertise “Free WiFi”, they don’t really mean it. Consequently folks, I’m a wee...

Latitudes and Longitudes
It’s been a busy and adventurous couple of weeks since last I had the chance to pen some words. Equally, wifi connectivity has proven a...

Pesky prescriptions!
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic disease - that means, its life long. It won't just 'go away'. People diagnosed with RA are stuck...

Final Prep!
So its only ten days now until we set sail for France and the Bay of Biscay to A Coruña, Spain. I'm suffering a combination of...

Housekeeping 101.1
The little things in life.....Happy Friday!

Let me tell you a story....
In 2003, it was like a giant wave picked up the earth, tumbled it around, crashing it and thrashing it to within an inch of its life,...