Chaotic Compass 2020
Our plan for 2020

My Island Home
The scorched earth of Oz

The Unexpected 2019
So we began our 2019 in Albufeira, Portugal, with a good plan and in terms of our starting there, to our finishing point in Tunisia, we...

Pandora and her box
Thanks to two great specialists, Dr Arvind Kaul in London and Dr Peter Landsburg in Brisbane, and to modern medicine, I have had close to...

A Wild Life
Throughout our journey this last several weeks, we have continued to have our daily visits from dolphins which I always love. They never...

Captain's Log
After 3 months of a work forced absence from Inelsamo and Janine, I was anxious about my return and the sail across the Golf de Lion. ...

Why I am addicted to travel.

So....a funny thing happened on the way to the circus...
If it's possible....yep, I can do it!!

Hot to cold in a heartbeat
So last month, I wrote about the Schengen Shuffle and how I was taking the opportunity to regain some Visa time by enjoying a trip to...

Schengen Shuffle
For those fortunate enough to be able to travel Europe, you will be or certainly should be, familiar with 90/180 rule in relation to...