Seasons come and go....
So our Sicily time is coming to an end. After calling Licata, Sicily, home for the last six months, it's time to hoist the sails and...

Marina Communities & Life on Water
Wow. Where did that last 12 months go? It certainly has been another crazy year on this rock. So we send best wishes and hopes to all our...

A Winter's Tale
There is a very good reason why you only haul out every couple of years and do maintenance and refits on a boat....the wallet couldn't...

On the high seas.....once again!
So our journey back to our home, Inelsamo, began rather emotionally. We didn’t know what to expect when we landed in Tunisia. We knew...

Farewell Gypsy....Hello Inelsamo
After knocking around the Outback like a pair of gypsies in our beautiful Marvel Thunderstorm, at the end of July we said happy-sad...

Staying Warm
After leaving Airlie Beach and Hamilton Island, we continued to chase the warm weather and we headed further north to Port Douglas,...

Slow trip north
March and April have been months of celebration for us. Significant birthdays and anniversaries has meant that the Chaotic pair and Gypsy...

The border crossing!
The Chaotic Compass road tripping gypsies have been pretty busy of late. I have had to maintain some virtual silence as we were deeply...

The road tripping sailors
It seems that since I last sat down, gathered my thoughts and put fingertips to keyboard, this crazy year has continued in freefall. I...

A brave new world....
Had you told me a month or two ago that we would be living in a world where over one million people were infected with a serious and...